Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults Policy


Volcano Theatre Company aims to safeguard the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults participating in the Arts and will ensure that its managers, staff, partner organisations, contractors and any volunteers commit to good practice which protects children, young people and vulnerable adults from harm. In so doing it will comply with current legislation and take account of best practice. In particular, the company recognises that managers, staff and volunteers all have responsibilities under the Children Act 2004.


This policy will relate to all activities under taken by Volcano Theatre Company which involve children, young people and vulnerable adults.
In practice, it will relate to activities at the home base (Volcano Theatre), in schools, community venues, theatres, outdoor sites and in particular to weekly classes and workshops, and any intensive courses or residencies. It will also relate to any activities involving Volcano staff that are run jointly with Councils or external partners.

Recruitment, Selection and Contracting Procedures
Recruitment, selection and contracting procedures will be applied to all personnel, whether paid or unpaid, staff or contractor, where the post involves direct contact with children, young people and vulnerable adults.

In each and every case:
• Applicants must provide evidence of their identity and this process will be recorded.
• Applicants must provide details of previous experience, paid or voluntary of working with children, young people and vulnerable adults.
• At least two references will be sought, at least one of which will make informed comment on the applicant’s experience of paid or voluntary work with children, young people and vulnerable adults.
• It will be made clear to applicants that the position is exempt from provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, which means that all convictions however old must be declared. It will be stressed that this process is confidential.
• Applicants will be interviewed and this will be seen as an opportunity to assess the individual’s experience of working with children, young people and vulnerable adults.

All paid and voluntary appointments will be conditional on the successful completion of a probationary period.

Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults Policy
Health and Safety

All managers, staff, volunteers and contractors must be aware of the company’s Health and Safety Policy and issues affecting the operation of performances, classes, workshops and other activities. All current policies are contained in the Staff Handbook.
• A generic risk assessment for Youth Theatre activities has been developed and is kept under review based on the delivery of classes, workshops and performances by experienced and qualified professional tutors both at the home base and other venues. Any additional local risk factors, any outdoor activity or additional sessions involving a different format will be assessed separately.
• There will be shared responsibility between the company, staff, volunteers and contractors to maintain effective communication on Health and Safety issues, so that any additional risks which may arise can be assessed. Members of staff should be clear, at all times, who is responsible for children, young people and vulnerable adults on the home base premises particularly when the responsibility for a group is shared between workers in different departments.
• Members of staff must encourage safe and authorised use of different areas on the premises and should lead by example. Unsafe or inappropriate use of rooms or equipment will not be tolerated.
• Illegal drugs and /or alcohol must not be brought onto the premises. Smoking is not tolerated anywhere within the premises or within a meter of any external doors and windows.

• Prescribed drugs should be hidden out of sight and reach.

Young People and Vulnerable Adults Protection from Harm
Members of the company and tutors who deal with children, young people and vulnerable adults should have an understanding of the issues of assault and abuse as they relate to children, young people and vulnerable adults, and of the need to implement measures to avoid any such instances occurring within its projects or programmes. 

Due to the relatively informal nature of the relationship between tutors/actors and children it is possible that an
abused child may confide or refer to some important information concerning their welfare. Do not agree to keep
the issue secret and ensure they are clear you will need to report what they have said to a Child Protection Agency. If something a child tells you leads you to suspect they are being abused you are obliged to report it to the CPA.

All staff who work with or who have a responsibility for overseeing work with children young people and
vulnerable adults will be offered guidance on the implementation of this policy through the induction system,
training is offered every three to five years depending upon the turnover of staff.


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