The Shape of Things to Come 2024

The Fifth performance in the THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME series

With guest performance : Nythu | Elin Phillips


Thursday 5:30 & 7:30pm | Friday 7:30pm | Saturday 2pm

Sut allwn ni feddwl am y dyfodol pan fo’r presennol yn mynd â’n holl sylw? Pan fo diffyg cwsg yn eich amddifadu o’r pŵer i siarad/meddwl ac yn eich troi’n rhyw gysgod dieithr o’r hyn oeddech chi, yn prowlan y landin? Yn afreolus ond yn drefnus. Gwallgofrwydd y prif ofalwr ar ôl noson hir. Cynlluniau’n mynd i’r gwellt, negeseuon e-bost heb eu hateb, dyddiadau’n hedfan heibio, tra’r ydych, yn hytrach, yn meddwl am gyfnodau ei bywyd hi. Ni ellir amgyffred rhyddid y dyfodol yn y diffeithwch digymell hwn.

Perfformiad trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yw NYTHU, gyda dawnsio disgo, a ysbrydolwyd gan brofiad Elin fel mam newydd a phrif ofalwr.

Mae ELIN PHILLIPS yn actor sydd yn ddiweddar wedi dechrau ysgrifennu a chynhyrchu ei gwaith ei hun. Mae’n aelod sefydlol o gwmni theatr Criw Brwd. Bu’n gweithio’n ddiweddar gyda Riverfront yng Nghasnewydd, Theatr y Sherman, Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru, The Other Room a’r Raucous Theatre Company. Ymhlith yr holl waith arall y cafodd ei chydnabod amdano y mae hynny gyda’r West Yorkshire Playhouse, Theatr Clwyd, National Theatre Wales, Dirty Protest a Volcano.

Ar y sgrîn, bu Elin yn chwarae rôl y prif gymeriad, Rhian, mewn dwy gyfres o ddrama Tony Jordan, sef Crash. Mae’r rolau teledu eraill y cafodd gydnabyddiaeth amdanyn nhw’n cynnwys Will, Doctors, dramâu S4C, sef Zanzibar, Gwaith/Cartref, Y Syrcas, ynghyd â’r ddrama gomedi sefyllfa, Îha Sheelagh. Yn ogystal â hynny, mae Elin yn chwarae rhan Debra yn y ffilm gomedi Love Type D.

NYTHU yw’r pumed perfformiad yn The Shape of Things to Come 2024.

Gallwch brynu Tocyn Tymor ar gyfer y chwe pherfformiad (gan arbed dros 30% ar docynnau unigol pris llawn) YMA.

Mae THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME yn rhaglen o berfformiadau byr gwreiddiol newydd sbon a gomisiynwyd gan Volcano gan wneuthurwyr theatr a pherfformwyr llawrydd yng Nghymru a thu hwnt. Mae pob un o’r perfformiadau tua 30 munud o hyd.

Mae’r sioeau yn y gyfres hon i gyd yn wahanol iawn – mae gennym ni longau gofod, pryfed brigyn, dawnsio disgo, drag a mwy… Y peth sy’n cysylltu’r gweithiau amrywiol hyn yw eu bod i gyd yn edrych tua’r dyfodol – gan ddychmygu posibiliadau newydd ac archwilio ffyrdd eraill o fod.


How can we think of the future when the present is so all-consuming? When sleeplessness robs you of your power to speak/think and turns you into some strange creature silently prowling the landing? Hysterical and yet methodical. The long night’s madness of the primary carer. Cancelled plans, unanswered emails, dates flying past you as you think of the phases of her life instead. The freedom of the future cannot be fathomed in this current funk.
NYTHU (Nesting) is a Welsh-language performance with disco-dancing, inspired by Elin’s experience as a new mother and primary carer.
ELIN PHILLIPS is an actor who has recently started writing and producing her own work. She is a founding member of the theatre company Criw Brwd. She has recently worked with Newport Riverfront, Sherman Theatre, Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru, The Other Room and Raucous Theatre Company. Her many other credits include work with West Yorkshire Playhouse, Theatr Clwyd, National Theatre Wales, Dirty Protest and Volcano. On screen Elin played lead character Rhian in two series of the Tony Jordan drama Crash. Other TV credits include Will, Doctors, S4C dramas Zanzibar, Gwaith/Cartref and Y Syrcas along with sitcom Îha Sheelagh. Elin also plays Debra in the comedy film Love Type D.

NYTHU is the fourth performance in The Shape of Things to Come 2024.

You can buy a Season Ticket for all six performances (saving over 30% on full price individual tickets) HERE.

THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME is a programme of brand new original short performances commissioned by Volcano from freelance theatre makers and performers in Wales and beyond. All of the performances are about 30 minutes long.

The shows in this series are all very different – we’ve got spaceships, stick insects, disco dancing, drag and more.. . What connects these diverse works is that they all look towards the future – imagining new possibilities and exploring other ways of being.


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