The Shape of Things to Come 2024

The Sixth performance in the THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME series

With guest performance : SANC | Akeim Toussaint Buck


Thursday 6:15pm & 8:15pm | Friday 8:15pm | Saturday 1:15pm

SANC – The sanctity of sanctuary. To move, to speak, is to respond to a future, expected or unexpected. Akeim’s performance uses movement and the voice to express humanity’s needs in dire times of onslaught on our embodied freedom. It is about rewilding the cosmopolitan human, immersing ourselves in nature to heal and reset. From the concrete a flower will always grow and so be the flow of the human in its cycles of rebirth.

is an interdisciplinary performer and maker, born in Jamaica and raised in England. Graduating from The Northern School of Contemporary Dance in 2014, Akeim began creating his own work in 2015. His intention is to create moving, thought provoking, accessible and free-spirited projects. Exploring a variety of themes to challenge, enlighten and entertain audiences in a visceral way, calling on multiple art forms to weave a spectacle. Audiences are invited to not just observe, they are implicit in the experience. The work aims to reflect on reality, looking at ongoing socio-political issues, with a humanitarian intention.

SANC is the sixth and final performance in The Shape of Things to Come 2024.

You can buy a Season Ticket for all six performances (saving over 30% on full price individual tickets) HERE.

THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME is a programme of brand new original short performances commissioned by Volcano from freelance theatre makers and performers in Wales and beyond. All of the performances are about 30 minutes long.

The shows in this series are all very different – we’ve got spaceships, stick insects, disco dancing, drag and more.. . What connects these diverse works is that they all look towards the future – imagining new possibilities and exploring other ways of being.


SANC – Sancteiddrwydd noddfa. Bydd perfformiad Akeim yn ddefnyddio symudiadau a’r llais i fynegi anghenion y ddynoliaeth ar adegau enbyd o ymosodiadau ar ein gwir ryddid. Dychwelyd y bod dynol cosmopolitan i’w wreiddiau, ymgolli ein hunain ym myd natur i’n hiachau, a chael ffynnu o’r newydd. O’r concrit gwelir twf tragywydd y blodyn fel trywydd dyn trwy gylchoedd ei aileni.

Mae AKEIM TOUSSAINT BUCK yn berfformiwr a gwneuthurwr rhyngddisgyblaethol a anwyd yn Jamaica ac a fagwyd yn Lloegr. Ar ôl graddio o The Northern School of Contemporary Dance yn 2014, dechreuodd Akeim greu ei waith ei hun yn 2015. Ei fwriad yw creu prosiectau gwefreiddiol, sy’n procio’r meddwl, yn hygyrch ac yn anghonfensiynol. Archwilir amrywiaeth o themâu i herio, goleuo a diddanu cynulleidfaoedd ag angerdd, o’r galon, gan wau amryfal ffurfiau ar gelfyddyd i greu sioe yng ngwir ystyr y gair. Gwahoddir cynulleidfaoedd nid yn unig i wylio, ond i fod yn rhan annatod o’r profiad. Nod y gwaith yw myfyrio ynghylch realiti, gan ystyried materion gwleidyddol-gymdeithasol cyfredol o safbwynt bwriadau dyngarol.

SANC yw’r chweched perfformiad a’r olaf yn The Shape of Things to Come 2024.

Gallwch brynu Tocyn Tymor ar gyfer y chwe pherfformiad (gan arbed dros 30% ar docynnau unigol pris llawn) YMA.

Mae THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME yn rhaglen o berfformiadau byr gwreiddiol newydd sbon a gomisiynwyd gan Volcano gan wneuthurwyr theatr a pherfformwyr llawrydd yng Nghymru a thu hwnt. Mae pob un o’r perfformiadau tua 30 munud o hyd.

Mae’r sioeau yn y gyfres hon i gyd yn wahanol iawn – mae gennym ni longau gofod, pryfed brigyn, dawnsio disgo, drag a mwy… Y peth sy’n cysylltu’r gweithiau amrywiol hyn yw eu bod i gyd yn edrych tua’r dyfodol – gan ddychmygu posibiliadau newydd ac archwilio ffyrdd eraill o fod.

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